On July 24th, I'm to be operated on by both Dr. Daly (the stomach surgeon who operated on my stomach back in November) and Dr. Moore (the surgeon who originally did my esophagectomy at the same time) at Northside Hospital. These doctors will, once again, be "tag-teaming" up on me. Dr. Daly will be performing an incisional hernia repair on my abdomen--he'll be going in lapriscopically, and attaching some mesh into my stomach so as to keep everything together--and then, while I'm still under the anaesthesia, Dr. Moore will be cutting into the "seroma" below my right scapula area, and he'll then be closing the "space" that's opened up inside in the tissues causing the swelling (the seroma) to occur. (I've already had this drained twice, and each time, within around 24 hours, the swelling refilled with serous fluid.)
While Dr. Daly says that comparitively speaking, this is just a "bump in the road" (next to what I've been through), he also told me today, however, that I can expect to be in quite a bit of pain, and, for a good while, afterwards. I'm trying to remain positive about the whole thing, and just hope that this'll finally be "it", and that afterwards, aside from the 6 week healing process, that that'll finally be pretty much the "end of all this" stuff. Also, this coming Friday, I'll be receiving an infusion of iron as it appears that ever since my gastrectomy, that my body is not absorbing iron like it should. This'll take about 4 hours and I'll have this done in Dr. Steis's office (my chemo oncologist). I'm told that I might need this just this one time, or that I might need it annually, or semi-annually...
Aside from these few occurrences, generally speaking, I continue in my recovery and healing. In fact, I look forward to, although admittedly with some trepidation, returning to the work force around mid September. Aside from that ajustment, I'll also need to decide whether to move into Diane's townhome and live with her there until we get a place of our own, or whether she'll move into my townhome and live with me here. Then, we'll finally decide on a Wedding Date and "git er done!" Someone once mused that they believed that "life should get simpler once we get older"... RIGHT!!!
By the way, following are the lyrics to a new song I've composed. I call it, "The Wedding Prayer", subtitled, "We Are One"....
The Wedding Prayer
(We Are One)
May your Soul be filled with Gladness,
May your Heart be filled with Love,
May your body be a beacon,
Shining Light from up above;
May your world be filled with Music,
May you sing a joyous song,
May the Truth that you embody,
Carry everyone along...
May your mind be filled with wisdom,
Like the spark, from burning coal,
May your wave merge with the Ocean,
And your part become the Whole;
May you come to know The Oneness,
May you stand beneath what’s True,
May you see your Self in others,
And may they see themselves in you…
May your Love shine on before you,
Like a lamp that lights your way,
May all Grace and Peace restore you,
Each and every day;
May you reap a bounty harvest,
May your every song be sung,
May your life be filled with wonder,
May you shine on like the sun...
We are One,
We are One,
We are One,
We are One.
Now we stand before the Altar,
As you place your heart (hand) in mine,
In the Holy Sacred Presence,
May our Souls, in Love, entwine;
In this joyous place of wonder,
Far beyond all space and time,
I can hear the Angel voices singing,
Songs of Love Divine…
We are One,
We are One,
We are One,
We are One.
As it was in the beginning,
So it shall be, in the end,
A secret rare, I now will share,
If your ears to me you’ll lend;
Wise men long have posed and pondered,
Over what makes Love called “True”,
It’s because you love me for myself,
In the same way, I Love You…
We are One,
We are One,
We are One,
It is Done.
May your Soul be filled with Gladness,
May your Heart be filled with Love,
May your body be a beacon,
Shining Light from up above;
May your world be filled with Music,
May you sing a joyous song,
May the Truth that you embody,
Carry everyone along...
May your mind be filled with wisdom,
Like the spark, from burning coal,
May your wave merge with the Ocean,
And your part become the Whole;
May you come to know The Oneness,
May you stand beneath what’s True,
May you see your Self in others,
And may they see themselves in you…
May your Love shine on before you,
Like a lamp that lights your way,
May all Grace and Peace restore you,
Each and every day;
May you reap a bounty harvest,
May your every song be sung,
May your life be filled with wonder,
May you shine on like the sun...
We are One,
We are One,
We are One,
We are One.
Now we stand before the Altar,
As you place your heart (hand) in mine,
In the Holy Sacred Presence,
May our Souls, in Love, entwine;
In this joyous place of wonder,
Far beyond all space and time,
I can hear the Angel voices singing,
Songs of Love Divine…
We are One,
We are One,
We are One,
We are One.
As it was in the beginning,
So it shall be, in the end,
A secret rare, I now will share,
If your ears to me you’ll lend;
Wise men long have posed and pondered,
Over what makes Love called “True”,
It’s because you love me for myself,
In the same way, I Love You…
We are One,
We are One,
We are One,
It is Done.
Speaking of new songs, I actually went into a recording studio about a month or so ago, and with the assistance of the producer and various studio musicians, I recorded 4 original songs. I refer to them, collectively, as: "4": The Joy Of It! If you wish, you can actually listen to them by going to: www.myspace.com/victorjpaul . Hope you enjoy it!
In closing, if I might simpy ask for everyone to please keep me in your prayers about, and throughout, all of what's coming up for me, I'd deeply appreciate it!
As for me, I hope to continue:
Staying Positive,
Remaining in the Present Moment!
Take Care & KMLAAY!
1 comment:
Victor, I know this will be easy compared to what you have been through the past year. My prayers are with you.
Your friend Bill
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