Bottom Line: Yesterday, Monday, October 1st, was my Last treatment of Chemotherapy!!! (6 weeks worth altogether; that, along with 5 weeks worth of daily Radiation Therapy) and there you have it, boyz 'n girlz, one EC Treatment Program of Rad/Chemo:
Kaputsky! Fini! Toast! Over! No More! No Mo! No Mas! No Mas! ... No More Mas!!!
Can you believe it? I really don't know what to say? It all feels like some UN-real "Dream"I've been witnessing... there are some definite traces of a surreal, almost transparent nature going on here. It's like I'm watching myself acting out a role in some kind of movie; a movie where the script is "hidden", but where, if I get quiet and still enough, my "part" writes itself and pours forth as shiney and plain as day! In fact, it couldn't get much clearer! It all seems to be just quietly flowing out of this great bottomless "cup" that I can tap into anytime I choose. All I have to do, is to shut my own head up long enough to listen to what's already there! Then, everything just flows along effortlessly. And as far as "Fear" is concerned--a great example is this past Sunday, the day before my last massive 6 -Hour Chemo barrage--my daughter Jessie asked me how I was feeling? (in regard to my upcoming treatment).
I got quiet and, again, the words just poured out of my mouth:
"Right now, all I know is that I'm just sitting right here!"...
I don't think she got it, because she immediately repeated her question:
"So, how're you doing/feeling about the chemo tomorrow?" to which I immediately responded:
"Right now, I just am where I am"! (or something along these lines, anyway).
What's my point? All that exists, truly, is this present moment! Everything else is either a memory (the past) or a dream (the future); the ONLY R-E-A-L-I-T-Y is this immediate "Here and Now, Present / Ever-Present moment. In fact, if there were some way to measure in Quantum Physics terms, for example, and accurately describe or reflect "this present moment", in terms of "language" the description would be totally identical with a description of any other "Present Moment"... Identical in every single way, shape or form.
I'm telling you: that's ALL there is, is This Present Moment!
That's all there ever was;
that's all there ever more shall be.
It's all Right Here, Right Now.
40 years ago, Baba Ram Das, the former Dr. Richard Alpert, Sociology Professor from Harvard University and cohort of Dr. Timothy Leary of "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out" 60's, Summer of Love and Flower Power fame, wrote a book called "Be Here Now"...
Around 35 years later I read "the exact same" simple message in another life changing book called "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. Actually, this central message is a recurrent theme and Central Teaching of every single
Great Spiritual Teacher/Prophet/Master/Messiah/Avatar/Guru/God-Being Incarnate--from Krishna through Moses, Jesus, Buddha --All of them, every single one, speaks about THIS same ETERNAL PRESENT MOMENT!
Once we can tap into this space, all we have to do is remain still enough to simply rest there--Rest, and Observe...
Everything--All that we need...
To think...
To say...
To do...
All will come pouring forth,
Of its own accord,
Out from the funnel of this "Cornucopic Horn of Plenty". The neat part, is that the entire process is "effortless" and all we have to do is simply "watch" it, and go with the flow (as opposed to "rush with the flush")...
"Let Go and Let God"...
Just "BE"...
We are NOT the Doers--God is the only "Doer"...
There must be 10 Billion ways of phrasing the exact same principal...
Let's all simply pause, and bow down with the deepest Humility and Respect, before the only Truth there is-- The ONE-- "God"... or, as I am comfortable putting it: "Our own "SELF"!!!
Hope this resonates with someone else out there, too, but if not, that's cool. I believe I'm finally beginning to "get it"!...
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