Friday, August 31, 2007

An Interesting Insight

On Wednesday afternoon, a former "Teacher" of mine, Lois Grant, came over for a visit. She spent approximately 2 hours working on me in a metaphysical Healing session. Among other things we engaged in DNA clearing work and also something called Holigraphical Healing. It's way to long to go into it now, but suffice it to say, on Wednesday afternoon until bedtime, I actually felt not just "not bad" but "Good"! Also, for the entire day and night on Thursday, I felt absolutely fine! In fact, if it weren't for the reminder of my pump which I carry 24:7 around my waist, I probably would not have been consciously aware of any sense of "Dis-Ease" AT ALL!
Further, I expressed to my fiance that "today was the first day since this whole journey began, that I felt like "I didn't have cancer" or to put it a bit more accurately, : I felt no conscious awareness of having canceer, or anything else "bad" or negative going on.

This kind of stopped me in my tracks and Diane even commented that I was sending out the same kind of "signature energy" that is mine and that I used to send out. In my mind, I heard the phrase echoing: "I feel like my old self"...

I then paused and pondered on this; on what the thought was that I was witnessing and on "OK. Just "who" is it that feels like "what"? Though I didn't have an opportunity to explore this in any depth, I did get a pretty clear view that it is Whom/Whatever it is that is observing my body, my energy, my mind and thoughts/emotions, that is what I need to focus on and become immersed in. Basically, "I am" always FINE! In fact, the truth is that "I am" (who/what is watching all this) way beyond any and all momentary or transitory feelings or thoughts. I am beyond my body and, I am likewise, beyond the vehicle of my Mind. I am reminded of an old Spiritual Principal given to me back in the early 70's: "If you can see it, you can't be it!" So then, again, (and again and again and again, probably ad infinitum) my work lies in first becoming aware that I am, in truth, just the watcher, the observer, of whatever it is that I am seeing/observing, and thus I truly am Untouched by whatever it is that I am viewing, be it negative and Fear-based, or Positive and Loving. I, My "Self" am untouched, whole and pure and abolutely, 100+% "Fine"...

In closing, I leave All of You (and "All" of Me) with the following excerpt from the Kena-Upanishad:

The Enquirer asked:
'What has called my mind to the hunt? What has made my life begin? What wags in my tongue? what God has opened eye and ear?'
The teacher answered:
'It lives in all that lives, hearing through the ear, thinking through the mind, speaking through the tongue, seeing through the eye. The wise man clings neither to this nor that, rises out of sense, attains immortal life...
That which makes the tongue speak, but needs no tougue to explain, that alone is Spirit; not what sets the world by the ears.
'That which makes the mind think, but needs no mind to think, that alone is Spirit; not what sets the world by the ears.
'That which makes the eye see, but needs no eye to see, that alone is Spirit; not what sets the world by the ears.
'That which makes the ear hear, but needs no ear to hear, that alone is Spirit; not what sets the world by the ears.
'That which makes life live, but needs no life to live, that alone is Spirit; not what sets the world by the ears.'
May all of us, you and me, rest in the Peace of the Present Moment; the ineffable peace which surpasseths human understanding...

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